Leading Effective Professional Development for K-12 Educators
Leading Effective Professional Development for K-12 Educators
As a K12 leader, you know that often the most well-planned professional learning initiatives can receive tepid response. This isn’t due to the competence of the leader, or to the relevance of the content! Often it has everything to do with the content feeling overwhelming (redundant, bloated, burdensome), and as a result, outcomes fall flat.
During “Leading Effective PD for K-12 Educators,” you'll get bite-sized strategies you can use as a leader to make professional learning more engaging, and more impactful. During the session, we engaged in the following topics:
Fostering a welcoming learning environment to encourage participants to contribute
Structuring professional learning to target actionable strategies that teachers can immediately implement in their classrooms
Creating engaging practice that fosters collaboration and feedback within the professional learning
EdConnective coaches Imogen Klossner and Dr. Natasha Ward share practical strategies you can use to deliver engaging professional learning your teachers will appreciate. Includes BONUS COVERAGE with extra time for Q&A! There were more questions than we could answer in the allotted time, so we took a little time to cover them!
Download: Follow along by downloading the Participant’s Guide.