30 Days of Teacher Self-Care

There is no doubt that the past two years have been unusual and stressful for educators and their families. New health and safety procedures, changing expectations, and increased responsibilities have added stressors to the classroom that are unlike anything many have experienced. Amidst the chaos, there is one buzzword that continues to circulate in the educator community - “self-care”. 

Acts of self-care may seem small, silly, or even selfish - however, it’s important to remember that life is a compilation of all the small moments that happen throughout each day. Those small moments are what makes the human experience so special - and give us the opportunity to create a life that is fulfilling, joyful, and rich. It is my hope that this calendar will offer simple, doable ideas for self-care during a difficult school year.

I challenge you to follow the calendar for 30 days and reflect at the end on how you feel. How has your mental health grown? Does self-care affect your teaching and interactions with students? What are some strategies or activities that you want to include in your routine? Use the link below to download.


Remember - you are a human being outside of your identity as an educator. Celebrate what brings you joy and take care of yourself - you are worth it!

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This post is part of the series, “May-tired Already” dedicated to providing educators practical strategies to re-energize and refresh for the long year ahead. To see all parts of the series, go here.

Kathleen Heffern